Monday, February 20, 2012

Season of Love

Brandon and I celebrated our first Valentine's day as a married couple this year. With our crazy schedules and tight budget for this month we decided to celebrate simply. The morning of we exchanged letters to one another. I made Brandon a cute card, and he wrote me a beautiful letter. It was a great way to start our busy day. :) I had finals week, and Brandon had an 8 page paper due the next day- he even stayed up until 4 am to finish it- so there wasn't much time to do anything else, except small acts of service throughout the day. It was simple, but it was still perfect for me. I love my husband so much! :)
This was also a busy month as I learned how to do my new calling better. I was called as the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society at the end of January, and was put straight to work on assisting the Sunday School presidency and the RS Activities committee in planning our ward Valentine's Day party. It was quite an event too! We had Roll Up come and cater our dessert crepes, and they were delicious! We also had a Valentine's Box competition. So couples put together Valentine boxes and then voted on the top 3 for prizes. I was so impressed, people in our ward are so creative! The first place box was a cute kissing booth, and it was perfect down to every last detail. The two runners up were so creative too. Our good friends, the Errors, did a headless cupid (complete with arms and legs from a baby doll) it was hilarious! The Wilsons did a huge Martin the martian pez dispenser, which was a lot of fun. Brandon and I made a bird cage with two little love birds inside of it. I had a lot of fun making it with Brandon. It's great when you're married to such a creative man!
Earlier that morning I also helped throw a baby shower for our good friend, Heather Stephenson. She's expecting a baby boy in April, and we're all very excited for her. The girls from 2110 (Heather's freshmen roommates: me, Natalie, Michelle, Beka, and Kyli) decided to throw her a baby shower. It turned out beautifully, and I'm glad we were able to have a great party for Heather, who has done so much for us. Heather's mom was kind to offer to help and assisted me in making a diaper cake, which I always thought was a cute idea. It turned out pretty great too! Hopefully Heather is now a bit more prepared for her upcoming motherhood duties. :)
With only one more final to go, I hope things will be able to return a little closer to normal at least for a little while. It's been great having President's Day off. Our next big project is possibly starting our own little business. Brandon is very skilled in filming and making videos, and has been asked to play the part of videographer in a friend's wedding. With the summer coming up, and Brandon always looking out for new business opportunities, we've decided to try to start breaking in to the wedding biz. So if any if you know someone who is looking for a killer deal in videography this summer let us know! We are not limited to just wedding events. Birthdays, anniversarys, just a fun summer film- we can do it!

This is a picture of the card I made Brandon. My favorite part is the little rose on front!

Here's our Valentine's Box, "Love Birds".


  1. if i get married this summer (bahahaha) i will hire brandon! in fact, whenever i get married i would love to have him video it! also, that valentine's box is adorable!

  2. Well Thank you! :) And I'm sure the camera equipment won't be going anyway, anytime soon. So I'm sure Brandon would love to film your video when the time comes!
